CoastguardMana Saving Lives at Sea

MR2: Trainee group

Posted by XWD
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Sat, 27/10/2018

 Area familiarisation: Pauatahanui arm of Porirua Harbour  &  navigating from Onepoto via the back channel to pile moorings -  close quarter helming - bring vessel alongside a wharf, finger pontoon use springing off technique fwd - berth vessel in boat dock  - moor vessel to ground mooring buoy - put the bow of the vessel on a pile and secure, three-point turn in confined space  - hold station in tidal stream - manoeuvre  vessel from main channel into marina across spring tide flow- MOB - bring vessel alongside boat moored between pile & set up barge tow  - pick up new tow lines from dock, trial tow set up attached to a pile mooring - observed  kitesurfer in main channel  who appeared to be in difficulty Investigate, lost board mid-channel reported all OK observed the surfer until ashore  -  

6 people
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