CoastguardMana Saving Lives at Sea

MR2 Training group

Posted by XWD
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Sat, 01/09/2018

Mixed training session theory & practical elements - plan a passage and navigate to the location -local area familiarisation  MR2 an introduction to heavy weather handling  - barge up MR2 to MR1 - close quarter boat handling in a marina environment, bring the vessel alongside a wharf, spring off a wharf, vessel three-point turn in confined space, bow to pier head  pick up personnel, bow to a pile mooring & attach mooring line - MR1 run through the basic operational requirements of navigation unit, enter a waypoints and make a route, use basic functions, zoom in/out, screen brightness, use of planning and navigation mode functions - Fuel MR1 .

DPA for the day Jacob Evens Scott

5 people
Total Volunteer Hours: 

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