Thu, 27/10/2016
Search for simulated missing diver from known splashpoint and drift after 10 minutes buoy had been deployed from MR1 for us and splashpoint and driftafter 10 mins relayed. Good comms practice for recent VHF trainees!
splashpoint 174.50.369E 41.04.369S 17.56
10 mins drift 174.50.388E 41.04.424S 18.06
Located 174.50.460 E 41.04.520S 18.27
left to drift went in to Karehana bay and did some nav calculations estimated drift to be approx 160 M
went back to search and recoverd at position 174.50454E 41.04.493S at approx 19.15
did some search pattern drills in conjunction with MR1 and some close quarter boat handling with them.
4 people
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