Support Plimmerton Boating Club (PBC) - Hospice Day
Left Mana Marina to PBC, tasked to head towards Pukerua Bay as MR1 assisting tow from Makara to Mana.Went to each vessel, introduced ourselves and handed out Coastguard Membership forms. Went ot to Hunters Banak and again handed out membership forms.
Call from Maritime radio with PanPan from "Tuna Bambuna" via Ch16. We were 50 meters away and responded. They had lost one motor and had 12 POB. Location 40 58.278E 174 48.889S 7 Metre Surtees Hardtop. Requested passenenger transfer and tow. As MR1 was finished tow liased and suggested MR1 would be a better option as all enjoying fishing. Stayed within shouting distance in case of a requirement for an urgent transfer.
Called over by a 14 foot vessel "The Boat" to assist with a cut finger. Checked and applied dressing.
Awaited arrival of MR1 requested update and stood down.
Handed out 24 membership forms and met 8 Coastguard members
Refueled MR2